We stock a great selection of cleaning liquids and fluids from trusted brands such as Coo-Var, Rustins and Zebra. Whether you need high performing, specialist cleaners and degreasers for preparing surfaces prior to painting or want to restore weather-stained, dirty and dull UPVC, we have a wide selection of products available to suit all budgets and applications.
Cleaning Liquids & Fluids
High performing, specialist cleaners & degreasers
Professional Paint Supplies has a fantastic range of high-performing, specialist cleaners and degreasers for preparing surfaces prior to painting from leading manufacturers like Coo-Var, Rustins and Zebra.
Get the best out of your paint job with our line marking machine pump and nozzle cleaner, universal degreaser and cleaners specifically designed for reviving UPVC.
Preparation is one of the most important stages of the painting process and unfortunately its often the stage people spend the least time on. The better prepared your cladding, roofing, PVC doors and windows, flooring, or interior surfaces, the longer your paint will last.
High performance cleaners are essential for general cleaning and preparation of surfaces before painting. There are many different types of cleaners for many different surfaces to remove dirt, grime, fungi, moss and more.
Every surface needs cleaning properly before painting, choosing the right cleaner for the job can save a lot of time, money and hard work. Not only can they make the job easier for the user, but they can ensure the adhesion of the paint is performing to its best. This will not only help reduce any flaking and peeling, but also any delamination that could have occurred.